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I really hate drama and when people try to start it with me it makes me mad. I accidently texted my old best friend Jenny and she texts me back saying unnecessry things. And I dont really know how things got out of hand or lead to the other. But the Bitch called me a princess and that really ticked me off. Cause for one thing im not a princess and I hate people who call me one. She told me she was goiing to teach me how to grow up and make me shut the F up. haha hilarious that someone thinks what they do is going to change or make me do something. Im grown up for my age right now, and I dont plan one shut up when I defend myself and my friends. She claimed she stoped being friends with us all cause we ignored her and didnt include her...and I just looked at my friend Sam and said "Oh hell no. You hear this bitch?" I love when people acuse you and your friends of shit they did saying you guys did it!! Anyhow after a short but insightful conversation with Jenny she told me she would talk face to face with me in school and discuss this. I told her no, I didnt wanna hear her voice, or even look at her.
 So when I got to healthful living with her, we got assignned seats and where of all places do I get sat?? Right behind her, like seriously do you want me to punch this girl? Im sure fate wants me to just hit this chick. I sit down in class and she turns around and tries to talk to me loudly in the middle of class, while im saying shut up I dont wanna listen to you. An people stare over and look away. An im just thinking your being immature, just stop talking to me and drop the converstation. And she just going on about how im a brat and she isnt going to be my friend again and that I need to shut up. I started laughing in my heard, she thought I wanted to be her friend again, hahaha discusting. I did nothing but help her in the past and was always there for her, and she treated me like shit. I dont know why I stayed friends with her for so long, but my life has been so much better without her. The fight over text was more indepth but we dont need to get to that. Any ways I asked to switch seats so I didnt have to sit behind her everyday for who knows how long.
Uh this is a pointless blog. An I probably didnt need to post it but whatever. But honestly guys if you are going though tough times with your best friend I dont want it to end like mine did. Ask me for help cause I know what your going through, and trust me it WILL get better :) Mine did, and my best friends are there for me and they actually listen to me and understand me. An I know I can trust them with anything and they wont let me down :))!!!

Forgive me for a boring blog, that is not well worded like I wish it had been, and for my profound language.
10/16/2011 08:26:56 am

Oh... the high school girl drama. I don't miss it! Ask yourself - do you want to leave a legacy or be remembered infamously? Leave the legacy sweety. Let the haters keep hating. At the end of the day, don't show the others that you get irritated, sweat, or frustrated because that means they have won. You will always know your real friends and there will be so many opportunities to make more. Also, don't kick Jenny to the curb so quickly. My bestfriends when I was a teen are now my bestfriend as an adult. Life has a way of working out so that you don't remember the bull**** and remember that you cared for them. That never leaves.

Stay sweet. I enjoy reading your blogs and I enjoy the fact that you are honest about yourself. Extremely important quality that I think you could teach some adults close to you.


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